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Gallery 101

Gallery 101 honours and respects the original people of the territory we currently occupy: unceded and unsurrendered Anishnaabe-Aki who have been living and working on this land since time immemorial. Located in Ottawa, Ontario, Gallery 101 is a non-profit artist-run centre with charitable status dedicated to the professional presentation and circulation of visual and media arts. Each year, we present a stimulating array of solo and group exhibitions of Canadian and international contemporary artists working in all mediums. We also offer services and professional development opportunities to artists, curators, writers and critics. Commitment to artists and their work is our first priority. G101 exhibits contemporary visual, media, and performance arts that explore self-representations of decolonizing, feminist, intersectional counter-narratives. We strive to be an inclusive contemporary art space with awareness of current social, cultural, environmental discourses and movements guiding our curatorial practices. Powerful programming partnerships support our mission to present projects that provide a range of entry points for audiences to engage with and reimagine issues especially related to land, water, race, histories, gender, ability, age and the relationships between Indigenous, Black, settler, newcomer, and migrant communities. www.g101.ca