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The 8 Fest: Small-Gauge Film Festival

The 8 Fest was initiated four years ago under the banner of — the 8 fest: Small-Gauge film Festival: Super 8/ 8 mm. – 9.5 mm / Loops, zoetropes & their kin and “a little festival for small films”. Small-gauge film refers to 8mm, Super‑8 and related film formats. Originally introduced for amateur use, small-gauge was soon taken up by artists as an inexpensive and simple way to make their own films. Even in a growing digital age, small-gauge is still the most intimate, spontaneous, tactile and immediate form of moving image. Small-gauge is low-tech and do-it-yourself. Small gauge is rich saturated colours and visible grain. Small-gauge remains a vital form of filmmaking. The 8 fest is the only festival in North America dedicated to all forms of small-gauge film. Opportunities to exhibit these films in their original small-gauge formats have decreased as pressure has increased to screen and finish work digitally. Toronto continues to be one of the strongest centres of small-gauge film production in Canada. The 8 fest provides a forum for small-gauge to be present of film. It presents everything from historic works to contemporary works from Ontario’s film community and abroad. The 8 fest also highlights the wider cultural use of small-gauge such as home movies, instructional loop films, zoetropes and their influences back on the visual arts. www.the8fest.com/