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Inter Arts Matrix

Inter Arts Matrix fosters the development of works in which the various artistic disciplines are not simply set besides each other, but intermingle and influence each other, creating new forms of expression in the process. Whether a film, an exhibition or installation, a concert, a theatre performance, an opera or a work of art created collectively, the projects developed at Inter Arts Matrix seek to find poetry and meaning in the use of technology, old and new. Inter Arts Matrix emphasis is on supporting artists through the entire creation process, from the conceptual stage to development, production, presentation, documentation and promotion of a new work of interdisciplinary art. Inter Arts Matrix also emphasizes art in public spaces, and art works that go beyond interactivity to involving the public as active participants. In this way, IAM can intersect with any geographic location and audiences of any cultural orientation. IAM promotes the work to audiences locally, nationally and internationally, acting as a cultural ambassador, not only for the region’s artists, but also for the Waterloo Region as a site for cultural creation and innovation. www.interartsmatrix.ca